Monday, June 10, 2013

Disney Challenge: More than a Tourist

         I had the pleasure of traveling to Disney World this past May with some of my college friends. We had an amazing time and made memories that I will always cherish, especially when I look at the pictures. This visit was a little different because this trip I gave myself a challenge. Seeing as I'm getting a minor in Photography, I thought it'd be a fantastic opportunity to test my skills. I mean where better than the Happiest Place on Earth right?

          I'm sure I looked like a full on tourist with my camera hanging around my neck, but I hope my shots turned out better than your average Disney Goer...I suppose you'll have to judge that for yourselves (Check out my Facebook for more shots).
          This challenge taught me so much about photography- things you can only learn through hands-on experience.
                   Lesson 1: You can take 40 pictures of the same 5 seconds and capture 40 different moments. If you're willing to trudge through the out of focus, badly lit, and goofy faces of the 39 bad moments you may just find that 1 magical perfect shot that you wanted.
                  Lesson 2: See things differently. Taking pictures at Disney doesn't mean you have to know it was Disney. The beauty of the parks is that they emerse you in a world. Look at this world and see what is beautiful, for me this usually meant lights. This photo (on the left) was taken in line for the Pirates of the Caribbean ride.

                  Lesson 3: Know your camera: Manual settings are a love/hate relationship. I kept my camera on manuel for the entire trip. Not because I don't trust the creative settings, they're actually very helpful, but it added to the challenge I had given myself. Having to not only know what each setting did, but recall it quickly to transition between dim inside shots and bright daylight shots was a crash course in my camera's abilities.
      Overall this trip was not only a fantastic vacation, but a great way to see how much I've learned in my classes and I'm excited to apply what I've learned as I continue on this journey called life. Though I'm happy to return to school this fall and continue my education, I wouldn't mind if my classes involved more castles and princes.