Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Drumroll of 21

    I turned 21 at the end of July so I thought it was time to pass on some wisdom I've gained since that day (which is ironic because I've actually lost my wisdom teeth since then - but that's its own blog post). Anyways, here is my infinite insight on the subject:
   You turn 16 and you're ecstatic because you can get your license, you can drive a car - you think you've finally achieved freedom. I say think because let's face it, you're still living under your parent's house so yes you can drive away....but you have to drive back.
    Then you turn 18 and you strut around the next month because now you're legally an 'adult.' You graduate high school, maybe you cast your first official vote, buy a lottery ticket and feel the thrill of wasting your money - but it was worth it because it was Yours! For some, 18 is when the real world kicks in and you've now got to find your life path. I decided to postpone the inevitable (an expensive endeavor) with college. For me, 18 was still just a sample of what true independence is.
    But now I'm 21. This is the age I'm going to graduate. This is the age I'm going to have true independence and freedom that everyone complains about wanting in high school, though now I can't remember why we were so eager for bills and long work hours.
   For me, these ages are like chapters in a book and Chapter 21 has a cliff hanger ending. Up until now I've always known what would come next, after 16 I continue high school till I graduate, then I turn 18 and I got to college. Now I'm 21 and I'm going to get a degree...and then what? There's no reading ahead in life. The only way to know who I'll be at 22 is to look back at the past 21 years. Like reading a mystery novel; there are clues all through the story, but you may not realize their significance until you get to the end (this is why I usually read mysteries twice).
   I'm extremely excited for my senior year of college and plan to enjoy ever minute of it, because I know what awaits me on the other side of my education. I don't plan to live in fear of this cliff-hanger ending, but instead in preparation of it.
  For all those who are dealing with the same excitement, anxiety, fear, joy, confusion, clarity, and all out giddiness of being 21 I say congratulations. Soak it in! Never again will you be on the precipice of independence - amidst the drumroll. Enjoy it while it lasts! Come summer it'll be time to jump in and hope you can swim (I'd settle for floating).

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