Saturday, January 26, 2013

Play List

            These past few weeks I've been gathering colors, drawing out storyboards, and playing around in After Effects in order to create a pitch for an upcoming project. This project is based on a song, so one would assume I'd have to listen to the song to fully create a concept. While I have listened to this song a few times to gather a concept, I find that I start to over-think things after an extensive length. So instead I've created an 'inspiration play list.'
            This list plays through Imagine Dragons, Florence and the Machine, Blake Shelton, One Direction (Don't judge I know you sing along when they're on the radio) and Johnny Cash, REO and Bon Jovi, Maroon 5, the Beach Boys, Of Monsters and Men, and FUN. I know, my choice in music is bipolar-but it's how my mind works. Once I've gotten my overall concept, these songs help me to shape and flesh out the final pitch. Because the music is so different from song to song I feel like I'm always looking at the project from a fresh perspective; instead of only listening to Mumford and Sons and discover my pitch is so hipster it needs a V-neck and square glasses (I love you Mumford, but let's be serious).
           Now my final pitch is ready to go, but that doesn't mean I'm going to stop listening to music. Let's all cross our fingers that this pitch goes well and I can create a new play list for producing the actual project. I've got a whole library of artists to choose from (A is for Aaron Carter, J is for Jimmy Eat World and Z is for Zac Brown Band just to give you a picture).

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