Thursday, September 20, 2012


This passed week I embarked on the challenge of Action Shots in Photography class. I discovered I'd much rather take pictures of motion blur than of stop action. Going against the grain is very appealing to me, probably because I love to break rules. But, as all my professors stress, I break them for a reason. This is the same for Motion Blur; forcing a still image to move. I liked to experiment with panning my camera while adjusting the shutter speed for some interesting shots. My personal favorite involved me hanging out the window of my boat/Buick while I photographed the road before me.
This photography assignment came at a perfect time in my life because it kind of personifies where I'm at. I feel like I'm always moving, or at least the pieces of my metaphorical life chess game are always moving. I'm moving full speed ahead into my future, but I'm not quite sure what that future is just yet. There is a big difference from the pictures I took and how I view my life, however. I refuse to let the things I pass by be a blur. I will enjoy every second of my college years and take the time to make memories and friendships.
I love photography and videography and am excited for every project I get to work on...segue to my excited rant about this weekend. Over the next three days I'm shooting a music video and I could not be more excited! There are a lot of pieces that will be moving around for this project to come together the way I want it to, but I'm ready for the challenge (This would have been a better post if I knew anything about chess, but alas...I'm a checkers player). Anyways, expect an update (maybe a photo..maybe even another motion blur photo!) from the video shoot next week and an exciting report on the book I recently read for one of my Media classes. It's subject: Blogs...(cue laugh track for irony).

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