Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Campaign Pains

       I work in the Mediaplex of the university I attend (Feel no shame in not knowing what that is, the students that wonder into it usually don't know either). Basically I sell anything you would need for a pintrest project, watch people use a laminator, check out video equipment and the Big Kahuna: Print Jobs. So when I heard it was time for Freshmen Class Council I knew I was in for a long night of work. Freshmen love to print campaign posters. Not just 1 or 2 for the Student Center, but endless amounts for the entire campus. I charge them money for these, so I know how much their spending (aka Too much). The interesting part of this experience is that it truley is just the freshmen.
        Upperclassmen don't bother with the entire campus because they understand where people focus. Sure they print out 2 for the Student Center, but then they take their campaign to the best free source of publicity there is: The Internet. Who doesn't have a facebook these days? #EveryonesOnTwitter. Reaching the student body where they spend the most time procrastinating is an easy way to not only ask for a vote, but to ask what the voters want. It's truely a new way to look at the world of marketing and Cedarville upperclassmen aren't the only ones embracing it. Many well known companies have started blogs, facebooks, forums and twitter accounts to keep in touch with their customers. Reviews are at our fingertips, ideas can be passed around the world in minutes, big time corporations are listening to advice from the little guy. In this age of communication anything is possible. Who knows, maybe one day the freshmen will adapt this groundswell strategy. Then I won't spend my nights unjamming the printer and refilling the cardstock. Ah to dream.

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